
  • Just wanted to say thanks so much for sorting out my cover note so quickly earlier.  I needed to pick up my bike before my father went on holiday, so…
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What is an excess?

An excess is the amount a policyholder is liable to pay towards any claim. It usually has to be paid to the garage where a vehicle has been repaired before the vehicle can be collected. In the event of a total loss, the excess will be deducted from the settlement cheque the policyholder receives. The excess figure is a combination of the Compulsory Excess and Voluntary Excess (where selected).

Compulsory Excess
A compulsory excess is imposed by the insurer and cannot be be removed from the policy. Additional compulsory excess may apply whilst a vehicle is being driven by a specific person i.e. young driver. They may also be applied for specific vehicle types. Most comprehensive policies now carry a compulsory excess. In the event of a claim this excess applies in addition to any voluntary excess selected by the client.

Voluntary Excess
A voluntary excess is an additional amount the policyholder chooses to pay in the event of a claim in order to achieve a reduction in their premium. In the event of a claim the voluntary excess will be added to any compulsory excess that applies to the policy.

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9.00am - 5.00pm

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